Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Rhododendron aka Rose of Sharon

Despite teaching biology in college, I have been accused of a having a willful ignorance of local flora (there is a running joke that I call all small flowering trees dogwoods).  While that may be true to an extent, I am not that bad.  But here is where I fail to disprove that hypothesis.  In our side yard, we have both rhododendrons and rose of sharon growing.  And of course, I call them both rose of sharon because, well, it amuses me (sad but true).

Below is a painting of said rhododendron in said side yard.  This painting is a rather large and has the distinction of being the first painting on my new en plein air easel and tripod set up (see below).  I was very excited to finally get to use my new kit, it makes me feel like a real artist.

                            Watercolor on 140 lbs watercolor block 12x16


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